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Portfolio Insights

Transform your role from property manager to trusted asset advisor. Portfolio Insights equips you with powerful tools to deliver deeper value to clients, elevating conversations beyond routine management to strategic, growth-focused discussions—enhancing client satisfaction, retention, and lifetime value.

PI Dashboard

Provide Real-Time Portfolio Visibility

Give clients instant access to a comprehensive view of their portfolio’s current and historical performance. Portfolio Insights combines traditional property management details—such as trust account balances, lease terms, security deposits, and maintenance records—with insightful performance analytics, empowering owners with clarity and confidence.  Two Way Integration with Rentvine and AppFolio.

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Deliver Opportunities for Portfolio Growth

Integrate featured investment opportunities directly into your client's portal. Display carefully selected MLS listings and marketplace opportunities, encouraging clients to expand their portfolios and fostering increased trust and loyalty.

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Highlight Long-Term Investment Strength

Give your clients a better understanding of their investment performance. By providing investors with the full financial picture, you are able to educate and help them navigate the ups and downs of investing. The result is a long term mindset, and increased retention.

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Strong Relationships = Long Term Clients

Turn everyday management tasks into meaningful, strategic dialogues. Portfolio Insights positions you as a proactive advisor, helping clients clearly see the value you deliver, enhancing client retention, increasing lifetime value, and positioning your services beyond typical property management.

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Includes Additional Products!


Property Suite Pro

The foundation of Rescover's investment analytics platform. Rapidly evaluate properties, forecast performance, and confidently make informed decisions with intuitive tools.


Portfolio Finder Lite

Quickly identify property owners, uncover investment portfolios, and skip trace accurate contact information. Grow your client base and target high-value investors to expand your real estate business.


Frequently asked questions

What is Portfolio Insights? Portfolio Insights is a comprehensive dashboard that allows property managers to give their clients a dashboard to monitor the performance of their investment properties, showcasing both tangible returns and intangible benefits.
Who benefits from using Portfolio Insights? Property managers and investor agents can use Portfolio Insights to keep their clients informed about cash flow, appreciation, amortization, and overall portfolio performance, enhancing client communication and retention.
How does Portfolio Insights improve client communication?

By providing a clear, data-driven view of investment performance, Portfolio Insights transforms routine reviews into strategic discussions, enabling you to showcase the long-term value of each property.

What kind of data does Portfolio Insights display?

The dashboard highlights key financial metrics such as cash flow, ROI, and rental income, as well as intangible benefits like property appreciation and amortization, giving a complete picture of investment performance.

How is Portfolio Insights integrated with other systems? Portfolio Insights seamlessly integrates with platforms like Rentvine through API connections, ensuring that data is automatically updated and that your clients always see the most current performance information.
Can I share the Portfolio Insights dashboard with my clients? Yes, Portfolio Insights is designed for seamless client engagement—share a branded, real-time dashboard with your clients so they can view their property performance anytime, anywhere.

Pricing Based on Units Under Management

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