Profitability Search
Included in:

Search for Properties Based on Financial Metrics
Discover properties that meet your specific financial goals by filtering listings using key metrics. This targeted search helps you focus on high-yield investments.

Filter Results by Cap Rate, Cash on Cash Return, IRR, and More
Customize your search to include critical financial indicators like cap rate and IRR. This precision ensures you identify properties with the best potential returns.

Set Investment Parameters to Find High-ROI Deals
Input your desired investment criteria to automatically highlight the most promising deals. Find properties that align with your specific profitability targets.

Access Advanced Financial Insights with Every Listing
Receive detailed financial analyses on every property, empowering you to make well-informed investment decisions. Our insights turn raw data into actionable investment intelligence.

Products with this Feature
An extended list of the options included in the specific pricing variations. Also, shows what is not included.
Property Suite
$95/moThe core of Rescover, providing fundamental investment property analytics. Quickly evaluate properties and make informed investment decisions using robust and powerful tools.
Property Suite Pro
$49/moAdvanced financial analysis with support for short-term rentals, multifamily units, and co-living properties. Includes branded PDF reports and powerful calculators for in-depth property performance evaluations.
Property Suite IDX
$119/moGet everything in Property Suite Pro, plus MLS integration to access real-time listings. Create branded reports and links, add sub-users, and personalize your Rescover experience with a custom myRescover domain.
Frequently asked questions
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