1253 FM 2673
{{ currency(unitsTotalRentalRate, 0, '-') }} {{ currency(calcParams.strRentalRate, 0, '-') }} {{ currency(monthlyRental, 0, '-') }}
Total Monthly Rent Avg. Nightly Rate Rental Rate{{ currency(propertyValue, 0, '-') }}
Property Value{{ currency(calcParams.purchaseprice, 0, '-') }}
Purchase Price{{ currency(flipTotalCashInvested) }} {{ currency(calculatedResults?.existingInvestmentSummary?.investmentBasis.total) }} {{ currency(totalInvestment) }}
Cash Required Total Investment Initial Investment{{ currency(calculatedResults?.existingInvestmentSummary?.investmentBasis.total, 0, '-') }} {{ currency(totalInvestment, 0, '-') }}
Total Investment Initial Investment{{ currency(netEquity) }}
Current EquityPRIME LOCATION FOR RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE-THROUGH. Property is street to street. Entire corner! ROAD FRONTAGE ON 3 SIDES! Current businesses are bait shop, tire shop, food truck, music stage area etc.. This is located in the second fastest growing corridor. Small cottage can be for on-site manager/owner, boutique, tea room, antique store. Possibilities are endless! VERY BUSY TRAFFIC AREA ON THE MAIN ROAD TRAVELING THROUGH CANYON LAKE AREA. This is an investor / business owners dream! SQ FT is approx. for multi. buildings.
List Price: | $899,000 | |
List date: | 08/25/2024 | |
Days on Rescover: | 123 | |
MLS Source: | ABOR | |
MLS Number: | 2591173 | |
MLS Data Sync: | 12/26/2024 12:25 AM CST |
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